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Dick Bos - Beumer en Drost (NL)
The creator of the comic book figure Dick Bos created a born-and-bred detective. Dick Bos is a man that you envy: sly and quick, manly, hard and sure of himself - a cult figure who settles scores with seedy low-lifes and always knows how to save himself from the most dodgy situations. That is until the moment that the great comic hero has had enough of his role as a drawn cliché. Dick Bos wants more and rebels against his creator. Now the illustrator and comic hero stand eye to eye. And the cartoonist begins a relentless hunt for his hero…

‘What a great example of experience and professionalism! What an intelligent and exciting deployment of modern technology with a wink to the yellowed comic-book world of Dick Bos!’
Algemeen Dagblad (NL)
The Dutch group Beumer & Drost creates quality theatre for a wide (family) audience. The performances make use of a combination of different disciplines including mime, text, song, a punchy visual language and, in this case, film.
- Filmic theatre
- Running time: c. 75 minutes
- Direction: Michael Helmerhorst, Cast: Peter Drost
- Thursday, 04.11.2010, 19.00
Staedtische Buehnen Muenster, Kleines Haus - Friday, 05.11.2010, 10.00
Staedtische Buehnen Muenster, Kleines Haus
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