The Festival

From 3 to 10 November 2010 the Kulturamt der Stadt Münster and the Staedtische Buehnen, along with the NRW KULTURsekretariat, will present the first HALBSTARK festival. With its exciting and spectacular productions this new theatre festival is aimed at children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 13. Under the artistic direction of Dutch director Silvia Andringa, it will present productions from Germany, Holland, Belgium and Denmark.

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Theatre Festival assumes Perspective of 'Halbstarke'

Be it play, dance- or musical theatre, the eleven national and international productions selected reflect the themes and dreams of their audience. The stories are about the true and untrue, the funny and the sad, the philosophical and the entertaining. And they are often also about the development of the self.

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Mentoring Classes

HALBSTARK is seeking to involve theatre professionals and audiences in an intensive dialogue. Since September 2010 children from 11 mentoring classes have been involved in a special exchange with the festival ensembles.

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Aus dem Programm

Bubble Boy - Het Lab Utrecht (NL)

The story of Bubble Boy is based on real events. 12-year-old Tom has SCID, an immune-mediated disease. He has spent his whole life in a plastic bubble, without ever being allowed to come out of the bubble, because any contact with another person would be deadly for him. Until today! A cure will be found and the audience can follow the operation that will give Tom a life outside the bubble. The audience will join Tom's doctors, his mother and sister for this experience. The children in the audience will be able to get to know Tom after the operation, see his first steps in the real world and play with him.
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HALBSTARK wants to shine out into the region and neighbouring states with its international productions. The NRW KULTURsekretariat Wuppertal is offering its member cities selected festival productions for the up-coming season.

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