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Moses muss singen [Moses Has To Sing] -
Staedtische Buehnen Muenster (D)
Moses the stutterer receives a mission from God to lead the oppressed Israelite people out of Egypt. But Moses refuses, because he knows he's not a good speaker. The people don't find the idea that bad though - and if Moses can't speak then he'll just have to sing. Moses doesn't fit the role of a leader and he refuses again. Only when God gets his brother Aaron on side does he venture in front of the pharaoh. But the conversation with the pharaoh keeps going wrong, which leads to tough consequences for the Israelites. The people can no longer look forward to the promise of freedom, because with each of Moses' failures in front of the pharaoh, they are risking increasingly severe punishments…

Rehearsal of "Moses muss singen" (Photo: Britta Roski)
The Children’s and Youth Theatre of the Staedtische Buehnen Muenster wants to get young audiences interested in the theatre and inform them about the diverse programme of this multidisciplinary theatre. The young Polish composer PRASQUAL has created musical arrangements for this musical theatre production aimed at children and young audiences, which the theatre educationalist and dramatist Nicole Tharau has developed for the Städtische Bühnen.
PRASQUAL wrote his first opera Esther for the St. Petersburg ‘Chamber Opera Competition for Young Composers’ when he was 21, winning a commendation for the work. The Wroclaw Opera undertook the premier of this opera which is now in its fifth season. This year the 28-year-old PRASQUAL will attend at least four of his own premiers: besides the opera Moses muss singen, his ensemble piece YMORH, commissioned by the radio station ‘Deutschlandfunk’, will be premiered on 11 April. In spring 2011 his opera Ophelia, composed for the Poznan Opera House, will have its premier. PRASQUAL has received scholarships from the DAAD and the ‘Akademie Musiktheater heute’. In 2010 he received a scholarship from the Polish Minister of Culture.
Moses muss singen was commissioned by the NRW KULTURsekretariat Wuppertal.
- Musical theatre for children (10+)
- Running time: c. 70 minutes
- Director: Johannes Bergmann, Producer: Nicole Tharau, Music: PRASQUAL, Text: Nicole Tharau, Musical Direction: Thomas Jung, Set Design: Jacqueline Schienbein, Stage Combat: Axel Hambach, Costume: Anke Drewes
- Wednesday, 03.11.2010, 19.00
Staedtische Buehnen Muenster, Kleines Haus (Premiere) - Thursday, 04.11.2010, 10.00
Staedtische Buehnen Muenster, Kleines Haus
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