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Titus - Theaterhaus Ensemble (D)
The eponymous hero of this play doesn't have much in common with Titus Andronicus, the Roman general. The son of a butcher, he was named after his father's favourite pig. Titus the pig can make 26 different grunting sounds. But Titus the boy isn't really so special. In fact happiness doesn't seem to be particularly interested in him at all. His father is constantly forgetting him, his first love has left him. No one notices him. But when he stands on the roof of the school and looks down, suddenly everyone notices him…

The production is enhanced with video projections that give the play a further layer of meaning. New spaces open up for the viewer between the real play and the filmed reality. The playwright, Jan Sobrie, won first prize in the Dutch Authors’ Prize for Children’s and Youth Theatre Kaas & Kaapes in 2007.
‘(…) poetic without being kitsch, and yet saturated with reality (…)’
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
The Theaterhaus Ensemble stages works from mythological pieces in modern settings to most current themes of contemporary authors. The plays represent a challenge for head and heart and are at the same time entertaining in the best sense of the word.
- Theatrical monologue
- Running time: c. 60 minutes
- Director: Rob Vriens, Cast: Michael Meyer, Producer: Susanne Freiling, Text: Jan Sobrie, Video: Wolfram Gruß, Sebastian Nolting, Set Design: Rob Vriens
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