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Warum kommen Dinge durcheinander? [Why Do Things Get Messed Up?] - Theater an der Parkaue (D)
This thought counts as one of the most complex processes that the human brain can perform. Even a super computer that can process 10 trillion mathematical operations per second can't come close to solving it. But what is thinking? How does communication work and how is knowledge created? A daughter discusses with her father: "Why do things get messed up?" She wants him to explain it to her and soon one question follows another.

Director Carlos Manuel’s production of Warum kommen Dinge durcheinander? presents five fictitious father-daughter conversations by the Anglo-American academic Gregory Bateson. The dialogues represent parts of his major work Steps to an Ecology of the Mind from 1972. In it Bateson considered remote areas of thinking and combined them in both creative and strictly analytical ways. Thus human communication and thought-structures are explained as the conversation between father and daughter runs its course.
‘Philosophical history at nine? No problem – in Carlos Manuel’s production Warum kommen Dinge durcheinander? one playfully discovers what thought means, how communication functions and how knowledge is created through the conversation of a father and daughter.’
Der Tagesspiegel
In this production the Berliner Theater an der Parkaue combines topics about knowledge and art in a theatrical and entertaining way. Knowledge will emerge as recognition in the minds of the audience.
- Play and object theatre (9+)
- Running time: c. 70 minutes
- Director: Carlos Manuel, Text: Gregory Bateson, Cast: Helmut Geffke, Katrin Heinrich, Set Design: Fred Pommerehn, Costumes: Constanze Zimmermann, Education: Sascha Willenbacher
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