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ANNE UND ZEF (Anne and Zef) - De Toneelmakerij (NL)
It started as an argument between two old friends about something insignificant. However, because they had had something to drink, blood flowed. Since that day, now three years ago, Zef and his father have had to stay inside their own house. If they dare go outside, they cannot be sure of their lives. Zef hasn’t much to live for, until a girl comes to visit. An angry girl, with the most darling father there is and a mother who doesn’t understand her. Her name is Anne Frank and her world is as large as the chestnut tree she can see outside her small window.

Anne and Zef is based partially on Anne Frank's diary and presents two children who refuse to give up in spite of extreme conditions.„‘Theatre creator Ad de Bont combines two, world stories ingeniously. [...] Headlong, astute dialogue keeps everyone on their toes..“ (NRC Handelsblad)
- Play (12+) / In German translation
- Running time: circa 75 minutes
- Text & Direction: Ad de Bont, Actors: Laura de Boer, Rian Gerritsen, Peter van Heeringen, Floris Verkerk, Dramaturgy: Annemarie Wenzel, Staging: Renée Zonnevylle, Costumes: Patricia Lim, Music: Guus Ponsioen
- Friday, 9.11.2012, 19.00
Theater Münster, Kleines Haus - Saturday, 10.11.2012, 13.30
Theater Münster, Kleines Haus
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