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Storia di una famiglia (The Story of a Family) - Compagnia Rodisio (I)
Happiness arrived in a romantic moment: the man invited the woman for a candle-lit dinner, they fell in love, they kissed, they married, they had a delightful little daughter, intelligent and full of beans. That’s them, the happy little family. They invite us into their kitchen, to their dinner table, and give us a glimpse of their fast-paced life, as funny as it is heart-warming. Day-in, day-out, happiness, joy, everyday life.

But everyday also means that everything become everyday, becomes routine, it isn’t that exciting anymore and, gradually, harmony turns into indifference, which wears down happiness.
Comagnia Rodisio tells the story of a completely normal family with a wonderfully light touch, impressive physicality and great energy and opens up a unique perspective on familiar everyday activities.
Compagnia Rodisio stages productions in Italy as well as internationally for children, teenagers and adults. Their theatrical language is based on their own experiences, observed conversations and researched statements.
- Play (9+) / with a German introduction
- Running time: circa 60 minutes
- Staging: Manuela Capece and Davide Doro, cast: Beatrice Baruffini, Davide Doro and Consuelo Ghiretti, set design: Compagnia Rodisio, surtitles on Saturday, 10.11.2012: Junges Theater Stuttgart
- Friday, 9.11.2012, 11.00
Theater Münster, Kleines Haus - Saturday, 10.11.2012, 11.00
Theater Meerwiese
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