Keywords / Tags
Alles im Gruenen Bereich (AGB) -
TheaterGrueneSosse (D)
Alles im Gruenen Bereich is a theatre and school project that plays with surprise and reality. All that the children know is that a theatre teacher is visiting to run a theatre workshop - but as if by coincidence two actors also turn up dressed as workmen. After the introduction (around 20 minutes) an explanatory discussion leads to a workshop with the theatre teacher; tactile theory to the front, applied theory to the back.
Arme og Ben [Arms and Legs] - Aabendans (Dk)
Full of wonder, humour and sincerity, two men with two bodies go on a trip in a universe in which everything is in flux. It is a universe created from the body; a place in which the voice becomes music and where arms and legs will turn into something unexpected…
Bubble Boy - Het Lab Utrecht (NL)
The story of Bubble Boy is based on real events. 12-year-old Tom has SCID, an immune-mediated disease. He has spent his whole life in a plastic bubble, without ever being allowed to come out of the bubble, because any contact with another person would be deadly for him. Until today! A cure will be found and the audience can follow the operation that will give Tom a life outside the bubble. The audience will join Tom's doctors, his mother and sister for this experience. The children in the audience will be able to get to know Tom after the operation, see his first steps in the real world and play with him.
Da/Fort - Compagnie Circ’ombelico (B)
A room as big as a shoebox. Sharing this room with three others. I feel watched, while I watch the others. I need more space. Doesn't everyone need their own space? But how do you get your own little room? The room has so many doors. I'm always between two doors. I don't know whether they're exits or entrances. It depends what happens on the other side of the door…
Dick Bos - Beumer en Drost (NL)
The creator of the comic book figure Dick Bos created a born-and-bred detective. Dick Bos is a man that you envy: sly and quick, manly, hard and sure of himself - a cult figure who settles scores with seedy low-lifes and always knows how to save himself from the most dodgy situations. That is until the moment that the great comic hero has had enough of his role as a drawn cliché. Dick Bos wants more and rebels against his creator. Now the illustrator and comic hero stand eye to eye. And the cartoonist begins a relentless hunt for his hero…
Ende saemtlicher Streckenverbote [End of all Traffic Restrictions] - Produktion 11 (D)
Ende saemtlicher Streckenverbote doesn't tell a finished story, but instead finishes stories. In the centre of these stories, which were developed through improvisations with actors, director and interested guests, is a theme of particular importance for the 9-13-year-old age group: the fluctuation between the personal inner child on the one hand and the openness to social possibilities on the other.
Fimosis - Theater Antigone (B)
The brothers Jan and Peter are the caretakers of a block of flats. While Jan is exemplary in his care of the flats, Peter is very different to his brother. He prefers to spend his time listening to the strange noises coming through the walls and from the corridors. The brothers are the complete opposite of each another. Jan is a scaredy-cat and holds tightly to the past, Peter on the other hand is a daredevil, addicted to adventure, with his sights firmly fixed on the future. Despite their differences they share one particular similarity: both brothers live in an imaginary world made up of an absurd kind of logic and fanciful dreams. A freely created place in which they find comfort and feel happy. But this place isolates them from the real world…
HELP - Theatergroep MAX. (NL)
Liverpool, just before the end of the war. Imagine, you are alone and don't have a penny to your name. All that you have is a guitar and a dream. And a new sound. HELP is a musical about the birth of the most famous band in the world: The Beatles. HELP is about reaching for the stars and about waiting, about the street and about success, and about choosing the right path. A story of friendship, jealousy and of course an insatiable passion for music.
Moses muss singen [Moses Has To Sing] -
Staedtische Buehnen Muenster (D)
Moses the stutterer receives a mission from God to lead the oppressed Israelite people out of Egypt. But Moses refuses, because he knows he's not a good speaker. The people don't find the idea that bad though - and if Moses can't speak then he'll just have to sing. Moses doesn't fit the role of a leader and he refuses again. Only when God gets his brother Aaron on side does he venture in front of the pharaoh. But the conversation with the pharaoh keeps going wrong, which leads to tough consequences for the Israelites. The people can no longer look forward to the promise of freedom, because with each of Moses' failures in front of the pharaoh, they are risking increasingly severe punishments…
Titus - Theaterhaus Ensemble (D)
The eponymous hero of this play doesn't have much in common with Titus Andronicus, the Roman general. The son of a butcher, he was named after his father's favourite pig. Titus the pig can make 26 different grunting sounds. But Titus the boy isn't really so special. In fact happiness doesn't seem to be particularly interested in him at all. His father is constantly forgetting him, his first love has left him. No one notices him. But when he stands on the roof of the school and looks down, suddenly everyone notices him…
Warum kommen Dinge durcheinander? [Why Do Things Get Messed Up?] - Theater an der Parkaue (D)
This thought counts as one of the most complex processes that the human brain can perform. Even a super computer that can process 10 trillion mathematical operations per second can't come close to solving it. But what is thinking? How does communication work and how is knowledge created? A daughter discusses with her father: "Why do things get messed up?" She wants him to explain it to her and soon one question follows another.
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